What It Is
Britta's father, a bounty hunter for the king, recently died, and she (by way of a bunch of bull honky anti-lady laws *grumblegrumble*) is forced into a manhunt for her father's killer - Cohen, her father's former apprentice and her dearest (although secret) love. She eventually escapes the guards and (slight spoiler) reconnects with Cohen to find the TRUE murder. Britta and Cohen spend the majority of the novel traveling through the words hunting this person while collecting clues from various characters. This is a fantasy novel and is mostly an adventure story with suspenseful fights and tales of survival. Britta often speaks of the "channelers" from the neighboring country who have spiritual abilities, similar to witches, though their powers are specific to one of the four major elements.
What I Loved
I feel I need to preface that this book was almost a DNF. I point this out because it I feel it speaks even more to the pace of this book. I read about 75 pages earlier in the month. I started the book moments after finishing Sawkill Girls, which was a great, albeit heavier and longer read. I was burnt out and just not feeling this book. I had to force myself to read, and I just wasn't into it. I stopped and read a couple other books for CYRM committee, and then this week, I decided to pick it up again. It's one of my three official TBR's of January, so I must read it. (I am making a requirement for myself amidst my CYRM commitment: I must read at least 3 of my personal books each month. These books are posted via Instagram on or around the first of the month.)All of that being said, once I picked it up again, I didn't want to stop! I was finally drawn in, and I really appreciated that the language was a wonderful mix of easy, quick reading but still beautifully and poetically written. The purest form of "short but sweet". I really liked this book, and I definitely want to read the next book in the series. I have all three and will definitely finish them all by March 5, when I see the author on her book tour. I have several books to read between now and then. My CRYM reads might take a minor backseat (maybe audiobook only?). OKAY! I'm diverting way too much.
This book was fun, fast paced, and just a little bit sexy, which I loved. I really liked the concept, the world, and how easy it is to read. If you're looking for a fun quick fantasy that isn't overwhelming with lore, this is a great choice.
What I Didn't Love
I didn't love their names. I appreciate creative fantasy names, and I just kept picturing Seth Cohen every time she mentioned her fella. "Britta" makes me think of this cute blond I worked with in college. I like more fun names, but that's just a preference.I thought she did a great job creating her characters and telling her story. Once magic came into the picture, the descriptions got a little confusing. It might have been because I was trying to power through the book quickly.
The ending. Everything was GREAT until the very last scene, but it was definitely a little literary ploy to get me to pick up to Ever the Brave, and dammit, it worked!
4/5 stars
Author -Erin Summerill
Published - 2016
Series - Class of Kingdoms
Genre - Fantasy
Format - Print
Pages - 392